
Can you save a lot of money by installing closed cooling towers

Under the double challenges of new economy and environment, the demand for energy and industrial water in our country is big but use low efficiency. For realizing energy saving emission reduction and green economy deployment, it is recommended to install energy saving and water-saving heat exchange compound flow cooling tower for industrial use. The close cooling mode can be selected according to user refrigeration demand and environment temperature changes. At the same time in energy saving, water saving than the traditional heat exchanger more advantages, installation can save a lot of costs.


I. Operation mode of composite flow closed cooling tower
Compound flow closed cooling tower, also known as evaporative cooler, is a closed-loop indirect heat exchanger. On the whole structure, the cooler and the cold water tower are integrated into one, which directly realizes the reuse of water, shortens the transmission distance of cooling water, and saves the consumption of water and electricity.
In the composition, the main heat transfer system, spray system and fan system. The heat transfer system includes: pipe circulating water, heat exchange coil, packing, etc.; Spray system includes: circulating water, water distributor, nozzle, water receiver, etc.; Fan system includes fan and auxiliary motor.
On the heat transfer mode, the cooling water enters the upper water distributor through the circulating water, and is evenly sprayed to the surface of each tube by the nozzle to form a water film. The heat released by the target fluid is transferred from the tube to the water film outside the tube, and the heat is taken away by the air skimming the tube bundle. This way significantly improves the heat transfer coefficient of the equipment.
In clean operation, the pipe flow in the closed loop, from the outside air and material contact, not by secondary pollution, thus reducing the cost of water treatment, cleaning and maintenance cycle.
In terms of operation mode, it provides a compound operation mode, which can choose different operation modes according to different seasons and refrigeration requirements. When the cooling capacity is not large in winter, the spray system is closed and only uses air for cooling. When the cooling task is severe in summer, the fan and spray system are opened at the same time. Also save water and fan consumption.

Two, how to install closed cooling tower to save money?
The main development directions of compound flow closed cooling tower include three kinds: saving energy and water, reducing weight and saving land and enhancing heat transfer.
1, energy saving and water saving: mainly from the perspective of operation, while completing the cooling task, as far as possible to reduce the consumption of spray water and fan energy consumption. Reduce the amount of spray water, effective and efficient use of spray water, including the composite flow closed cooling tower ingenious water distribution and high efficiency water removal device, even in the worst operating environment can ensure that no clogging, high spray density, each square meter coil surface can be evenly distributed.
2. Weight reduction and land saving: mainly from the perspective of compactness and manufacturing cost of composite flow closed cooling tower, reduce the overall size of equipment, save land, save material consumption and reduce manufacturing costs, so that the application of composite flow closed cooling tower is more flexible and extensive.
3. Strengthen heat transfer: in the cold weather in the high latitude region, the composite flow closed cooling tower can be transferred to the air cooling mode to use the ambient air for cooling. At this time, fins can be added to the outer surface of the tube bundle to strengthen the air flow and heat transfer outside the tube.
The composite flow closed cooling tower has more advantages than the traditional cooler in terms of energy and water saving. It has the heat and mass transfer performance under different cooling modes, and can choose the most economical, energy-saving and water-saving operation scheme according to the changes of the environment. In the industrial cooling water, installing the Oasis Bingfeng closed cooling tower can save 5% of the land area, 40% of the water consumption and 15% of the electricity consumption!

Post time: Jun-12-2023